Back to School Time
August is here and back to school is quickly approaching, kicking off the recognition of National Immunization Month. Now is the perfect time to get your children’s vaccines updated to protect them against preventable diseases. Vaccines are not just for children but everyone has the opportunity to get vaccinations and booster shots to protect themselves and their heath. One of the most important vaccines all over the world right now is to protect against COVID-19. Getting this vaccine protects you and others, mainly people you love and those you encounter every day. Because children under 12 years cannot be vaccinated, it is imperative that we as parents and responsible adults be proactive in protecting them every way we can. There are many options available for anyone to access vaccine clinics, free of charge. For more information click the link below to visit the CDC’s website for vaccines sites near you.
Find a COVID-19 Vaccine Site Near You!!!
Child Tax Credit Press Release with Senator Ben Cardin and Mayor Brandon Scott

On Friday August 6th at Cahill Recreation Center located in Walbrook Junction, Senator Cardin and Mayor Scott held a press conference for families in the Baltimore-Metro area who have benefited from the Child Tax Credit provided through the American Rescue Plan.
The press conference spoke about the credit increase from $2,000 to $3,000 per child for children over the age of six and from $2,000 to $3,600 for children under the age of six. A few families were present to speak about the importance of the tax credit and what the extra funds will do for their families at this time where some are experiencing financial crisis.
We’ve heard from some families that they are using the money to pay bills, prepare for their child’s return to school, buy groceries, supplement lost income due to pandemic related unemployment, etc.
One of LIGHT’s senior staff members, Charmaine Stern, was present and spoke about how our families have been impacted by the pandemic and have fallen on hard times. She explained how LIGHT has been instrumental in assisting many of our families and individuals during these difficult times with COVID PPE supplies and lower tuition rates. For more information about the child tax credit relief visit IRS.GOV or click the link below.
For More Information on the Child Tax Credit, Click Here!!!
Learning through play at LIGHT Rock Child Care Center
The month of July was filled with outdoor learning through fun and play. The students enjoyed their outside time while also expanding and exercising their gross motor skills.
The students visited the Baltimore Zoo and enjoyed the Willy Woo Outdoor Beach Party. The students also talked about different types of transportation.
Women Health Matters and Positive Period
Our ladies that participate in our monthly meetings were able to join in on the Positive Period program through Black Women’s Imperative Health (BWHI). Positive Period offers support around menstrual cycles, so women and girls can enjoy optimal health and wellness which requires that we tear down the walls of shame and stigma that keep us from living our best healthy and whole lives.
To learn more about Positive Period or to donate, click here!!!
August Group Dates
News you can use!!
We have exciting news to share!!
Our support group “More Than Me” is back by popular demand. The program is designed to address common barriers that prevent HIV-positive individuals from remaining in care by having HIV infected clients who are in need of additional support by family and/or friends. Topics include: HIV 101, Disclosure, Medication Treatment Adherence.
For more information on this support group,
please call (443)524-0220 ext. 119 and 120
Brainstorming Opportunity
If you know anyone interested in doing a zoom meeting for a couple of hours and be compensated by a $40 Amazon gift card, please feel free to pass this along. We are looking for Gen Z and millennials interested in brainstorming of social media messages On COVID19, vaccine hesitancy, and building a community of trust. The session will be on July 15, from 9 to 11 am but I wanted to make sure that we had fresh, honest community voices. Any assist would be greatly appreciated!
Click here to participate and be compensated for your time!!!!