See LIGHT's Response to COVID-19 Here
Media Contact: Name: Regina Johnson Title: Grants Management & Finance Officer Phone: 443-524-0220 ext. 117 Email address: Baltimore, MD – [March 29, 2024] – LIGHT Health and Wellness Comprehensive Services, Inc., a leading community-based nonprofit organization in Baltimore City, is proud to announce that it has been selected to […]
ReadLight’s Motivational Corner The Giving Season Is Upon Us Help to keep our LIGHT SHINING so BRIGHT!!! For more than 24 years through the promotion of health, wellness and education, LIGHT Health and Wellness has been at the forefront of serving women, children and families whose lives have […]
ReadBack To School Time August is Immunization Awareness Month August is here and back to school is quickly approaching, kicking off the recognition of National Immunization Month. Now is the perfect time to get your children’s vaccines updated to protect them against preventable diseases. Vaccines are not just for children […]
ReadCelebrate Black History Month Spotlight on Women in Black History As LIGHT has always placed special emphasis on women and children, we would be remiss to acknowledge the woman’s role in Black History. Women entrepreneurs have become an extraordinary part of businesses developed over the last 20 years. LIGHT has […]
ReadBack to School Time August is here and back to school is quickly approaching, kicking off the recognition of National Immunization Month. Now is the perfect time to get your children’s vaccines updated to protect them against preventable diseases. Vaccines are not just for children but everyone has the opportunity […]
ReadSocial Media Giving Day was inaugurated by Givver, a platform dedicated to fundraising via Twitter, in 2013. Givver is a St. Louis-based not-for-profit-focused technology platform that encourages social media users to donate via social networks, namely Twitter. Givver worked with elected officials , charitable organizations, and social media influencers around the country to […]
ReadLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. In the United States the last Sunday […]
ReadNational Women’s Health Week is a week-long health observance led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health (OWH). The week of May 9-15, 2021 serves as a reminder for women and girls, especially during this pandemic of COVID-19, to make their health a priority […]
ReadWe’re still here for you! COVID-19 Health Tips Wash hands frequently with soap and water for 20 + seconds Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth Stay home if you are showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 Use tissues and cover your mouth when coughing Clean and disinfect surfaces regularly used and touched Click here for COVID-19 updates from the […]
ReadMESSAGE FROM OUR CEO At LIGHT, we are in the business of raising the spirits of our clients. Folks come to us with their spirits dampened by limited financial resources, confusion about how to secure the benefits to which they are entitled, childcare that is not offered in the hours […]